Ann Mangum


How to have a stress free beach photo session

May 17, 2022

How I overcame stress

Before I became a photographer at the beach my sister-in-law and I used to try to take our own photos. We dressed everyone all in white took them out to the beach, during the brightest part of the day. No wonder why no one was happy and almost everyone had their eyes shut. Years later after living at the beach and lots of trial and error of photographing many families. I think I may have a few tips to help make your beach photo session stress free.

my own family circa2008

Let’s start with the time of day

The light is best just before sunrise and sunset so that is when you will want to have your beach session.

What to wear

Plan on wearing something that compliments the scene earthy tones, soft muted tones or if you so choose bolder tones like yellows, burgundy or green. Avoid wearing bright neon colors, tight clothing, clothing with logos, or lots of jewelry and you will not want to put lotion on before a session unless you want alot of sand to stick to your body.

Understand that there will be wind

A good idea is to stand in front of a fan at different angles with your outfit and hair , if you are okay with the way the wind is blowing everything then you are good, if not, you may want to consider something a bit more flowy. Some things to help with the wind are to use hair spray, gel or pin hair back, wear something that is not clingy to your body.

Embrace the sand and water

This is so hard because hours ago everyone is digging in the sand and playing in the water and now we are having to tell them NO. So let them have a little fun, for this reason sessions with me start in the dunes and end at the water. Be sure to bring a towel and a change of clothes, just in case!

Let kids be kids

No matter the age, what you are stressed out about now will change in a year and your kids will be out of that stage and into another so embrace each little stage before it changes and you miss it.

Let go of perfection

Every family is different and no one if perfect so just remember why you came to the beach to get away and be with your family, Let me capture those beautiful memories with you and your loved ones!

girls running away from mom and dad at Pensacola Beach

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