Ann Mangum


Why I love Extended Family Sessions?-Pensacola Photographer

February 5, 2020

extended family at beach in dunes-pensacola family photographer

Photographing extended families has become one of my favorite sessions to photograph. The very first time I photographed an extended family was for a wedding I was so nervous, I prepped for days. Its funny looking back now why was I so scared?? I love seeing families come together and share laughs, sometimes a family gets together every year, and sometimes I find a family who has not been together in many years. I love the chaos of everyone chatting and all the laughs and hugs that happens during a session. When everyone goes back home and shares a bit of the memories they had while they were here at the beach with me it brings me pure joy.

This past summer I photographed more extended family sessions than the year before and I am so happy I did, because I was able to witness a few gender reveals, some surprise engagements, a 50th wedding anniversary, some baby announcements, kids loosing teeth, adoptions, many hugs and so much love! I feel so honored to be apart of each and everyone of my extended family beach sessions I am looking forward seeing what the summer of 2020 brings. If you are interested in booking an extended family session, please message me on my contact page.

The following is an email from this family, talk about unexpected not only did I get to photograph this extended family, but also a last minute gender reveal, and the last vacation before her son left to go into the army. When I saw the photo she attached of her son in his army uniform I cried because you never know what special memories you are providing to a family. What an honor and privilege!!

Thank you so much! 

We did have a great time. I had to tell you

when we returned our daughter had a doctor appt and they did an ultrasound.  The tech said it was a girl  So we were didn’t know what to do.  The original sonographer said there was no way and had to be a mistake. She tried several times to get another ultrasound and everytime the umbilical cord was between the babies legs .  Finally blood test was performed and last night we received the results and its 100% BOY!

Our son has left for the army and so far he is doing well.  I included a picture.

Again thank you for taking photos of our special moments!!! 

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