Ann Mangum


What is a Fresh 48 Session- Pensacola Area Photographer

August 23, 2019

mom and dad with newborn-pensacola newborn photographer

Have you ever wondered just what are Fresh 48 Sessions? Well, they are a special photo session where a photographer comes to the hospital within 48 hours after your baby is born and documents you and your family with your baby. I find these sessions to be more candid and so very sweet because everyone is just wanting to hold the new baby. I love to see the kids reactions to their newest addition, some are very shy while others can’t get enough, they want to hold the baby as much as they can. It is also amazing to me to watch how proud the Dad’s are, they are just naturals at snuggling their baby’s in and its funny when I say its moms turn now, how they don’t want to give the baby up!

I don’t know about you but my time at the hospital was like a blur to me, and how I wished I would have had someone to photograph this sweet moment in time because it oh how it changes too fast!!

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