Ann Mangum


Extended Family Session-Pensacola Beach

August 3, 2018

Extended family beach session-pensacola photographer

This summer I decided I wanted to offer beach photo sessions to families traveling to our area.  I started back in the winter preparing my advertising and my website, finally all was ready.  The summer came and I am proud to say I  have been busy ever since.  I can’t stop smiling, It has been so exciting  to meet the many families who have traveled here to the Gulf Coast and watch them have fun in the sand and water, and being able to capture their story.  I wanted to include an email I received from one family, and by the way Her name is Marie Ann and mine is Ann Marie so when we spoke I knew I would love her.  She sent me a photo of her whole family which also told me she was a proud Mom!!  It’s emails like these that make you cry and smile for all the sweetness that still exists. I am so grateful!!

“Oh my gosh….I just don’t know how to thank you……every picture is my favorite. They are priceless. You went way over my expectations. I mean I knew the pictures would be great, but I wondered what I would miss because our contract said 35 shots and you were taking so many great ones…..but I see them all and I just can’t thank you enough. You are an incredible photographer and you did just what I asked…..a family having fun at the beach. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to next time……my kids do also…..they want to continue the tradition as our family grows and changes……and we had fun.”

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