Ann Mangum


How do know if a beach mini session is right for you?

July 7, 2020

What is a mini Session? A mini session is a very short photo session. Sometimes referred to as a Mini and includes a smaller amount of edited photos for the client to choose at a lower price. Sounds perfect right!! Well before you book your mini session there are a few things you may want to consider. Let’s dive into the reasons that a mini session looks so appealing.

1. my kids will not sit still very long or my teens are not really into photos

2. my husband does not like taking photos

3 cheaper price

4. I just need a few photos

5. not that much time out of my day

Yes, while all of these things are very true indeed and each of them has validation let’s now look at some other reasons why you may decide that you want more than a mini session.

1. It has been my experience that there are two kinds of kids, kids that are shy at first and need a little time to get to know the photographer.  They may need that extra time with mom or dad before trusting me to photograph them.  Other kids give you everything they have in 5 minutes and off to the beach they go. Because we are at the beach the kids love the freedom so playing games with them helps  to get great expressions. Sometimes it takes a few times of playing the games to get the expressions. Teens want to be cool.  Its all about making them feel seen and having a little fun at the same time.   If lucky I  maybe can sneak in a hug or two with mom or dad.  Making them feel confident is key.  Sometimes using music they love or showing them the back of your camera to show how good they look earns their trust. The last thing they want is to look silly or not appear confident. I like to say things like “ Do you have a girlfriend, will you will after this” or “ work it girl. Sometimes I make crazy faces and say, “now I am old but you will look much cooler than me doing it”, and they laugh! Sometimes in a mini session there is not time to get those sincere smiles from teens because there is a limited amount of time.

2. I find that husbands like being included in what is going on. Once playing with the kids, running with teens they forgot about the camera. No one every turns down snuggling up with their wife to steal a kiss.

3 what price would you put on having family memories to be able to look back on and treasure. I photograph many families who have not had their family photos taken in many years! Life gets busy and we forget to make these memories except with our cell photos and then we are all not in the photos!

4 Yes this is a valid point, we can only hang a certain amount on the wall. However if you want to have a variety of photos you may want to consider a different option.

5 either way you look at it, you have to pick out the clothes, get everyone ready, get your self ready, stress and get to the session.

Whether you decide to do a Mini Session or a Regular Photo Session I hope I have given you several things to consider when booking your next session!!

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