Ann Mangum


Sweet Baby Carter-Fresh 48 Session Pensacola Newborn Photographer

May 18, 2018

baby sleeping in hospital crib- Pensacola newborn photographer

What in the world is a Fresh 48 Session?  Well a Fresh 48 is a special photo session for those families who want the first few hours of their child’s life documented but not necessarily the birth.  The time after you have your little one goes by so quickly.  After birth you are recovering,  nurses, and family are coming in and out of your room visiting, and you are getting used to this wonderful new addition to your family all at once. I don’t know about you but for myself it was all a blur.  Once you get home and get into a routine you forget what it was like to feel that sweet baby in your arms where you looked into your baby’s eyes and said how much you loved them, how it brought you to tears as you watched your husband hold the baby, being such a proud Dad!!  These are the moments I try and capture for my families.  

I think these Fresh 48 Newborn sessions have become my favorite because they are so full of emotion and love.  When I arrived to the hospital for this sweet family’s session, I got on the elevator and like always I was in a rush, that seems to be the story of my life.  As I stepped off the elevator I see photos of kids and babies on the wall of the hospital.  I became emotional and start tearing up.  I just stopped and gave thanks to the Lord for the wonderful gift he has given me.  I asked him to help me relax and create good memories for this family.  I feel so honored by each and everyone of my families that choose me to photograph them, what an important job it is to document your life.

 I entered the room to meet Baby Carter, I sat and held him for a bit and then I gave these family some precious memories that I hope they will treasure for a lifetime.

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