Ann Mangum


In-Home Lifestyle Session-Pensacola Family Photographer

April 23, 2018

mom and dad in floor with baby

 I was very excited to do a  In -Home Lifestyle Session with this family, Melissa had been my son’s first grade teacher and she is such a sweet and kind person.  I could not wait to meet the rest of her family, I knew they had to be just a sweet and adorable.  

When I arrived their little one was still asleep so this gave us time to make a plan of where we should start.  From the beginning of our time together it was so apparent that both Melissa and her husband Andrew were so in love not only with each other but their sweet baby too.  They reminded me of when my husband and I had our first baby Elizabeth, we would sit and stare and her for hours, it was if time stood still just for a brief moment. I am so happy I am able to give them these sweet memories to keep because it does go by way too fast.  I could have stayed so much longer to photograph them, but maybe they will let me come back again soon. 

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