Ann Mangum


Precious Baby Girl-Fresh 48 Pensacola Newborn Photographer

May 7, 2018

mom and dad looking at baby-Newborn fresh 48 Pensacola Photographer

How I came to meet this sweet family is just the coolest story ever.  I had posted on Facebook another Fresh 48 Session I had photographed  and asked if anyone knew of a family interested please pass my name along.  A sweet man named Tom Elkins who also happens to be a realtor in my neighborhood knew of a family that was the coach on his son’s baseball team that was about to have a baby.  So the whole team got together and decided to gift this session to the family, how Cool is that!!  I mean really, this just goes to show you how other people value this precious time in the beginning of a baby’s life and how quickly it passes!! 

A few weeks went by and on a Wednesday afternoon I got a call saying baby Regan Grace is here name.  So we set a time for me arrive to the hospital the next day,  when I arrived at the hospital Grandma and Grandpa were there, and Grandma was holding her, she was just beautiful!  She was sound asleep and no matter what we did she did not seem too mind to much. We even got Grandpa holding her for the first time, and she just slept right in his arms, it was just precious.   Besides the crazy sun going in and out we are able to get some wonderful photos for this sweet family who just about made me cry when I found out this is their first baby.  You can see from these photos that this is going to be one loved child indeed. I so hope I get to see them again as she gets older.