Ann Mangum


Mommy and Me- Sweet Tea Party Photo Session(Pensacola Family Photographer)

March 6, 2018

daughter pouring tea to mom with baby in lap

My idea of wanting to offer a tea party session all started when I was going thru my daughter’s armoire, she had all these princess dresses and tea cups, I remember thinking to myself how sweet would it be to have Belle and Cinderella all at the same table having tea.  It’s hard to believe this is now the third season I have offered these Tea Party Sessions and each time they have taken on different look. I love offering these sessions in the winter just before the family beach session starts.    

This year I decided to change my location because of the camellias that bloom in Florida in January and February.  We had such a cold January that I was worried about the blooms but there was just enough to compliment the beautiful setup which is Matilda Jane’s line designed by Johanna Gaines. 

When this mom contacted me about this session she asked me if she could be in the photos with her daughter and I thought what a wonderful idea! I was so excited, my first Mommy and Me Tea Party!! Our lives are so busy, how sweet is it to take that time to sit and play with our children.  These ladies had fun serving tea to each other and had some bonding time together.  Candy the unicorn even had a spot of tea and a pixie stick. We ended our session with some walking and crazy twirls!!  I believe the youngest one will be back for her very own future tea party as she was very into the tea pot!!     

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