Ann Mangum


Portrait of a Teen- Stunning Redhead – Photographer Pensacola area

February 9, 2018

Red headed teen- Pensacola Child Photographer

Having red hair is always something I wished I had, as a child I had a friend with red hair and I remember thinking how unique she was. I had blond hair and looked like everyone else, why could I not be unique in my look.

  Well fast forward to now, I can’t even imagine what its like to be a teen now with all of social media and everything that comes with it.  This young lady is such a sweet teen, she loves sports, soccer in particular.  She loves to laugh and we laughed a lot when I was photographing her as I asked her to flip her hair and jump. I asked her if she minded her curls and she said not at all, which made me smile because I know this is one grounded teen.  The world needs more children like this.  

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